01 - Manage Consents for Account Information Service

To access all AIS APIs, it is necessary to establish a consent between the TPP, the PSU and the ASPSP

02 - Initiate a Payment

Overview of the APIs used to initiate a payment regardless of the service and product used

04 - Manage payments information and status

Retrieving the payment resource or the status of the transaction following a payment initiation or cancellation

07 - Specific BerlinGroup Implementation

Since the BerlinGroup Implementation Guide gives ASPSPs the possibility to make some functionalities optional, you can find a summary of them in this documentation

08 - Use our Sandbox Dataset

Our Sandbox environment is filed with a small dataset allowing you to test our APIs. Here is a quick overview

09 - Contact our support team

To help TPPs access our PSD2 APIs a dedicated team is available for support

11 - Connect to the sandbox or Berlin Group APIs

Operating procedure for the connection to the sandbox or Berlin Group APIs

12 - Build your authorize URL

Explains the process to build the authorize URL to access the authentication of the PSU